Monday, January 12, 2009

Race Photos

Here is the pic I was talking about in yesterday's thread....that is me in the blue just finishing my first marathon and I am pretty proud. And yes that is a VERY OLD LADY IN FRONT OF ME AND SHE IS NOT EVEN BREATHING HARD!. She beat me and I ran a 3:56. Unreal. I saw her at mile 26 and thought, you have to be shitting me that she is ahead of me (there were no relays....she ran all 26.2). I tried to pass her like three times and she zigged and zagged and I popped a blister on my foot trying to get past her... obviously I did not pass her. SOOO, what does my wife do about this lovely photo? She made them the name tags for a surprise party she threw for me for my 2nd marathon! Everyone had motivational sayings on them for me. My favorite? My brother in law who is a runner/tri guy. His said, "Put down the baked goods and maybe you will beat her next time." I am famous/infamous for loving my sweets and treats. I am nicknamed "Uncle Treat."

Here are some other random photos from marathon #3 in Sacramento. One with my son who is now 4 and is about 1 in this pic. The other is me at about mile 25 or so...